Training, Supervision, and Consultation
Kailey loves empowering other helpers who want to know how better companion grievers! She offers help with case-conceptualizations, treatment planning, support, resources (such as exhaustive book lists) as well as assistance with the formation and facilitation of grief support groups!
Consultation prices: 115/per hour
Kailey loves to teach! She offers a wide range of topics under the umbrella of grief and loss. Trainings typically requested have involved children/adolescents and grief, complicated and traumatic grief, and a unique training on sexuality and grief. Kailey can adapt content to your unique needs and loves being creative. Kailey uses a wide range of modalities to teach including videos, expressive arts, discussions, case studies, book talks, and prioritizes a comfortable and engaging learning environment.
Workshop Pricing:
These costs are agency prices, meaning the price is charged to an agency. In addition, Kailey’s trainings are 25.00/per participant for both ½ and full day trainings.
150.00 -1 hour workshop
300.00-1/2 day training
600.00- full day training
These prices are a base price, and may be adjusted based on number of participants in attendance.
For LPC outside of agency: 100/per supervision hour
Part-time Refuge employee: 50.00/per supervision hour
Full-time Refuge employee: 25/per supervision hour
Questions? Please contact us for further information.